The Apex Socio-Cultural group of Uzea Kingdom, known as the Okugbe-Ku Uzea national executive in conjunction with their traditional ruler, His Royal Highness, Solomon Ojiegbai Itoya Iluobe II, the OJIE OF UZEA KINGDOM have appealed to His Excellency ,Senator Monday OKPEBHOLO and the government of Edo State to come to their aid.
This was done in a joint press conference organised on the 29th of December, 2024.
Among their major areas of concern where they want government prompt intervention are:
1. *Electricity*: It is pathetic that since the creation of the earth, most communities and towns have never had electricity and up till today. As of today, *NO TOWN OR COMMUNITY IN THE WHOLE OF UZEA KINGDOM HAS ELECTRICITY* it is verifiable.
2. *Education*: The whole of Uzea Kingdom doesn't have secondary schools in most of its towns, and communities are a reality. Most of the primary schools were built since 1955.This makes the girl-child education difficult as most children of adolescent age have to be detached to neighbouring towns and where they have no parental guidance in search for educations. Most times, unwanted pregnancies become INEVITABLE. This leads to schools' dropout or their outright death.
3. *Roads Network*: Uzea is an agrarian society where farming is the only occupation. But most of the food produced waste away as they can not be transported to neighbouring towns because of lack of motorable roads linking the different towns and communities.
4. *Health*: It is also true and verifiable that the Uzea kingdom has no hospitals, maternities, or even primary health care centres in most of its community. This results in a high degree of maternal and child mobility and mortality and unnecessary loss of lives in cases of emergencies.
5. *Security*: For several years now, the kingdom has been ravaged by kidnappers and Fulani herdsmen. They rape our wives and daughters and sometimes kill their victims and set them ablaze. It is obvious that such crimes like these are alien to us. These reports have reached the police and law enforcement agencies severally. We therefore appeal to the state government to get these criminal herders and kidnappers out of our bush and forests.
*It is, therefore, true that a kingdom without electricity, roads, health care facilities, security, and schools, as is the current position of the Uzea kingdom, is inevitably heading for extinction*. Such could only have existed in the anals of history in the *OLD STONE AGE*
Uzea is therefore appealing to His Excellency, SENATOR MONDAY OKPEBHOLO as the EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR of Edo state, to come to their aid.
Cmr. Sam Emiasegen.
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